Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Guillermo Del Toro Hosts a Peak at Hellboy II

It's not that I enjoyed Hellboy all that much. I like the comic book (Mignola's ink heavy artwork = yum) but I thought the movie was too chaotic/nonsensical. But it's all about aesthetics and look how kind Hellboy was (pictured, left) to entirely match the signature colors of the film experience blog? For that reason alone, I shall assist in his promotion of Hellboy II: The Golden Army.

The right suit can take you far.

[I originally had the official site's trailer, hosted by Del Toro here, but accept this YouTube version instead. I don't believe in automatically starting video. What if you're already on to the next post? I give you a choice: watch or don't watch]

P.S. Did you like the first movie?
P.S. II: The Golden Question How the hell does the Oscar's makeup branch vote? I know it's been asked a jillion times but it bears repeating. They ignore Rick Baker (their favorite --he's won 6 Oscars) for Planet of the Apes and Hellboy but nominate him for four Eddie Murphy comedies? Me no understand.
P.S. III The makeup isn't by Rick Baker this time (he's busy making Benicio Del Toro into the Wolfman) but the villain looks like this

Characters5 Image

and he totally reminds one of The Time Machine which did manage a nomination for makeup back in 2002 (it lost to Salma Hayek's unibrow in Frida). So... maybe they'll get nominated this time? [my current Oscar predictions]

He's either a Time Machine castoff or its Del Toro's spin on Elves: Legolas's ugly cousin gone to seed. Or perhaps he's merely the live action reincarnation of "Nekron" from Ralph Bakshi's Fire & Ice?

Nekron without the 'effeminate therefore evil' gloss that we'll all miss so. [/sarcasm]