Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day Jamboree

Tuesday Top Ten: For the list maker in me and the list lover in you

Happy Earth Day !
Leonardo DiCaprio loves you and so do I.

Ten Reasons To Love Planet Earth

10. Scandinavia, Thai cuisine, the Great Lakes, French actresses, Brazilians, Asian actors, New York New York ... I couldn't make up my mind on number ten so insert anything you like here. That way you won't be offended that I left it off.

09. It's not Venus. Totally liveable temperatures (for now). Spontaneous combustion is rare and when it happens in the movies its performed by stuntmen (they live) or Chris Evans (smoking) and either way --exciting.

08. I've lost my train of thought. Please listen to Kate Bush's "Hello Earth" while I collect myself.

07. While it's true that Earth has lots of terrible creatures living on it: warmongers, theocrats, bigots, Ann Coulter, homophobes, talentless celebrities, Karl Rove... it is also home to people like George Clooney, Pedro Almodóvar, Viggo Mortenson, Natalie Portman, Al Gore, Susan Sarandon and Gael Garcia Bernal (among others). So, ya know: worth saving.

06. Oscar's Foreign Language Film Category... It doesn't quite cover the whole wide world, but at least it keeps awards junkies abreast of the existence of other countries outside their own. Anything that helps us to be citizens of the world rather than myopically aware of only our tiny part of it. I include this one because I'm obsessed with Google Maps at the moment and I've made one that I think you'll like: still in progress but take a look. Thoughts?

05. People look sexy when they're wet and Earth is 70% water (give or take). Dive in!

04. Mountains, rivers, deserts, Australia and New Zealand as seen in the movies (I've never been *sniffle*), fjords, seashells, waterfalls, hot springs, cacti, forests, coastlines. So many things worth looking at with awe. I'm not a big outdoors type but I do occassionally notice my non-celluloid surroundings and when that happens I usually feel a bit like George Emerson in A Room With a View, spinning around with uninhibited joy shouting "Beeeaaauuttty" (not really but...in my heart!)

03. Dinosaurs once lived here. Wheeee

02. It's where those 40,000+ survivors on Battlestar Galactica are trying to get to and every last single one of them is fascinating. If that many awesome characters are longing for Earth than it's worth gloating about since we already got it. (sigh) Easily the best show on television. Why aren't you watching?

01. It's the birthplace of the movies.

What do you love most on Planet Earth?

previously on tuesday top ten: Weirdos, Oscar predictions, hookers, Jude Law, movie posters, etcetera...