Thursday, April 10, 2008

Under the Sentimental Moon

The trailer to La Misma Luna (Under the Same Moon) held me at violin point. It threatened me with wet eyes, shameless sentiment and that tried and true art house plot staple: cute little kid melts the hearts of grumpy adult during their travels together. You know the type: Kolya, Central Station … and dozens of other less successful films that get submitted for Oscar consideration in the foreign film category each year. The trailer also makes the following bizarrely amnesiac claim
Not since Cinema Paradiso has a film captured the hearts of audiences around the world.
I can’t vouch for the veracity of that claim. That’s nineteen years of movies that the trailer denounces as globally unloved. Oh sure maybe that movie you loved also captured hearts in Mexico, Norway, and Asia but the French refused to be moved, booing it at Cannes. Or maybe something your best friend still raves about came close with only Switzerland remaining neutral. What film is loved by the entire world in the past two decades? Only two if you believe Fox Searchlight and the Weinstein Company.

Read the Full Review @ Pajiba