Friday, April 18, 2008

Super Women or Cheap Whores?

Day 1 of the NY Comic Con ~ Finis
I apologize in advance for this post. First Disney underwear models and now Super-hookers. What's wrong with me this week? (No need to answer that)

<--- I don't know why but seeing prices slashed on super heroine figures at the convention today made me sad. It's like "Supergirl and Wonder Woman: tired bitches! Have them for the low low price of... $blah $blah" Looking closely at the signs, this is their second mark down. Wonder Woman once flew above us all in her invisible jet and now she straps on her red go go boots, stands stiffly, sticks her chest out and hopes for the best. Maybe some horny fanboy circling the floor will finally make his choice and pony up his hard-earned Benjamin Franklin. If he opts for some group action, he can win Diana's bod for only $82.50 (It makes a kind of sense actually. She's from Paradise Island y'all... Girls! Girls! Girls!)

I'm thinking about the ladies because I attended a women in fantasy and science fiction panel which was, sadly, disappointing. [tangent: It wasn't the only dud in the panels I chose. I also attended a "history of superheroes on film" which made me crazy -- a rich topic that got an extremely random, dull presentation]. I've never planned a panel myself but it doesn't seem like rocket science. You'd want a variety of voices to make the conversation interesting --especially if the topic is huge. Three fourths of this particular panel was basically hawking one forthcoming book. That's closer to a sales pitch than a valuable discussion which is a pity because there's a definite discussion to be had. Upstairs Jenna Jameson (yes, really) was the star of a big busted comic book. That a famous porn star could double as a comic book hero without any re-branding is pretty telling. It's not an incongruous notion.

Here's another group of women waiting to be purchased. It totally cracks me up that Aquaman is on the same platform, like a blonde Liza Minelli from behind. She totally favors those sparkly numbers.

But Batgirl, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn are fetching, you must agree. It makes me want to steal pay homage to My New Plaid Pants awesome "Do, Dump or Marry" series and ask you to choose in the comments. One of these fine lasses gets one night only, one gets the cold shoulder, and one gets your wedded bliss. Who will it be now?

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Wall•E is a Beau-Ty -It looks like Pixar may have done it again
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Need Stronger Women?
Check out the Action Heroine Blog-a-Thon I hosted last year. It was throbbing with girlpower