Friday, April 11, 2008

Scrabble People

I'm heading out to see Smart People. If you're talking "wide" releases I'm a totally star-driven ticket buyer and I love SJP and Dennis Quaid. Thomas Hayden Church and Ellen Page are fine. I'm not super hopeful but whatevs. Defamer said it best about the advertisements for Smart People
...which, judging from the preview, looks too dumb for smart people and too boring for dumb people
Exactly. But I'll go. In fact the poster reminded me that I was late making my moves on my latest games of Scrabulous on Facebook. I can't stop.

I love Scrabble, l-o-v-e. I don't care if you think that makes me nerdy. I'm actually better @ Boggle but Scrabble is more social as word-freak board games go. So here is a board I whipped up for Smart People's release. I tried to use every letter and only words that you could actually use in Scrabble and that reminded me of the movie or the stars involved...

I did end up cheating a bit. You can't really use "Meathead" in Scrabble but it described Thomas Hayden Church too well to pass up. Any sexual words that look out of place you can attribute to my impure thoughts regarding Dennis Quaid. What? Like you wouldn't.

Okay okay, nitpickers. I didn't use all the letters.

You try making words out of that.